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Stop Losing Trades And Start Winning NOW!

"#1 Most Successful Trading Strategy of 2021"


About Profit Rolling Strategies

Here at profit Rolling Strategies we use our endless years of knowledge on the market and created portfolio review to show our  trades. We show how we make thousands of dollars per month. We are here to give you all the secrets on how we make a living from trading. We update our personal trades to every subscriber and inform you on our top plays. Here Are some profits to the right.

I Have Not Taken A Loss Since 2019, Let Me Show You How!

Business Meeting

I primarily trade in the option market along with cryptocurrency. I will teach you from the ground up my option trading strategy. More specifically I trade the call and put. When I am trading a call I always am looking to do a covered call. When I am looking to trade the put I am looking to place a cash secured put. You can look up the two definitions I gave you and find more information before joining the course if you would like. You can also join the FREE subscription to gain more info as well. However I am giving you the terms to motivate you and show you this is a real strategy. I make a living on this strategy using the option market and I am willing to teach you. Another way I trade is long term trading, when I hold a trade for more than a few months or a year. When I find a great company that is undervalued then I take a position because I believe it will grow with time. The last type of trading I do is with cryptocurrency, I buy crypto as a long term investment.  I buy the asset at a low or drop in the price and hold them until I have reached a good return on investment. This is everything I trade and everything you can expect to see in course Portfolio Review by Profit Rolling Strategies.



I primarily trade the option market like stated above and use both call and put in the option market. I trade the call and put in weekly and monthly option expiration dates. I trade smarter, not harder and I believe your time is very valuable when you are trading. This is why I stopped day trading and moved to weekly and monthly trades a few years ago. I found that I make more residual and steady income trading when I moved to the option market. When I am trading the monthly expiration dates I may trade 20-30 stock per month. The best part is I would only trade 1 day out of a month. This gives me substantial free time all while earning money for the month. I look at monthly trades like real estate property, giving me monthly profits. The reason I only trade one day out of the month is because that's all you need to place a trade in the monthly options. The monthly options expire once a month and that is our opportunity to place a trade. If you do not understand it's okay because the course will elaborate on this and so much more. This may sound complex but it is truly simple and easy to understand when you get started learning. The last way I trade is long term, that is for stock and cryptocurrency. I buy due to various reasons such as, a crash in price, news and more. Learn more by joining FREE or join Portfolio Review and get inside access NOW!

Stock Market Down

Our Subscriptions


For the Subscriber who is unsure and wants to know more about our trades and trading process. We give you proof and show you our strategies we use to claim monthly income with. join for free and I personally walk you through a video guide. You have nothing to lose by joining for free, learn another way to make income and if you don't want to join then kick us to the curb. I make real profits and I show them month after month. Your time is now, looking forward to another successful subscriber!

Portfolio Review


Every Month

   1- Getting Started Course

   2- Our Personal Watch List

        - Live Updates

   3- Email Our Live Trades    

   4- Portfolio Insider

        - See Our Current Trades

   5- Newsletter 

For the Subscriber who is ready to get inside access to all of our trades and secrets we use to make each and every trade.  Get the inside look into Profit Rolling Strategies and all of our latest email alerts.  Accomplish your dreams and acquire financial literacy! GETGET ALL OF OUR TRADES NOW!

Portfolio Review


Every Year

   1- Getting Started Course

   2- Our Personal Watch List

        - Live Updates

   3- Email Our Trades    

   4- Portfolio Insider

        - See Our Current Trades

   5- Newsletter 

Yearly subscription to Portfolio Review except you get a month FREE!



Questions & Concerns

Please contact us we are more Than happy to help!


City Skyline Skyscapers

I created a course that is transparent for the learner and I give a real trading strategy that makes REAL money. I have proven this strategy for years and now I am offering it to anyone who joins. I am tired of seeing false hope spread in videos and other courses that fail on expectations. They sell you hopes and dreams that they themselves have not accomplished - they are preying off of their subscribers. We are different in the fact that we truly want you to be successful and give you the tools to be. What I will teach you is lessons I learned over years of trading. I have refined my process to allow me not to take a loss in 2020- 2021 thus far.


My strategy makes me plenty of money to live a great life and I never had thoughts to create a trading course until I  traveled around the world and saw how many people needed help. I did not know how to help so many people at once until my brother mentioned creating a course. He wanted to see how I make a living from trading stocks and see if he was able to make a profit as well. I started making videos about my strategy and videos to help understand what I was doing and how I was trading. Months later I finalized what was known as Rolling Profits. I gave the "course" out to people for free because I still had no idea I was going to market and sell this into a course. People started to see real results, I kept adding and changing the course to make it better. I changed the name and created a real website with a structured course for the beginner to advanced trader. I made my trading strategy into a full course all to help people.


I reached a point when the course out grew me and I needed to build a team to handle the work load I acquired. Another problem was that my team needed to get paid and I was doing all this for free. I was paying for the website and domain name out of pocket and giving the course for free to everyone. I put the cost of the website, domain name, a team and running the course all into one final value of $59. I valued this course as if each member will pay for this course to run without me funding it.


My team and I became more ambitious when we saw how beneficial our course was for people to have. It has been a long journey but a rewarding one as well to see all the accomplishments and successes that have been achieved by all subscribers. I started to create this course back in 2019 for friends and family to learn how to change and improve their investments. I truly want to help people learn the knowledge I have because it does not matter if you are a full time investor or part time, this is all useful financial knowledge anyone can use. This course at its core was created to bridge the gap between everyday people and financial freedom. Join the course that was started for the people and we will be here to assist you along your journey. 

Why I Created The Course

Let's Talk Finance

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*Results may not be typical and may vary from person to person. Making money trading stocks takes time, dedication, and hard work. There are inherent risks involved with investing in the stock market, including the loss of all your investment. Past performance in the market is not indicative of future results. Any investment is at your own risk.  Before taking a trade do not only base your information on us because we are not  licensed financial advisers. 

The content on this website is for informational, educational and all my opinions  and is not and should not be construed as professional financial, investment, tax, or legal advice.  Again I am not a licensed financial adviser. Trading in options have large potential rewards but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in these products. Do not trade with money that you cannot afford to lose remember before every trade you make sure if you lose that money you wont be in financial trouble because you may never see that money again. The past performance of any trading system, methodology, or particular trader is not indicative of future results. All content is provided subject to the qualifications and limitations stated in our Terms of use , you agree that you have read, understand, and agree to be bound by our Terms of Service, including the mandatory arbitration of disputes and understand our disclaimer as well. 

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